I Am Not Rocky Balboa
And retreating from a fight doesnā€™t always mean defeat.
I Am Not Rocky Balboa
Image: MGM Studios, Inc.

I’ve always been a huge fan of Rocky. Who isn’t encouraged to face obstacles head on when watching Rocky stand up to giants bigger, stronger, and faster than him? Of course, Rocky takes many blows, but after each one he rises to fight on—even if his pace ...

How to Find Truth in Harsh Feedback
What to do when feedback is off base, unfair, and poorly delivered
How to Find Truth in Harsh Feedback

I have a bad track record for receiving feedback well—at least negative feedback.

Like when my husband told me I was a little harsh when I reminded him he forgot to run the dishwasher. I wasn’t being harsh! I was just being honest!

Or when our realtor commented ...

Great Leaders Know How to Handle Their Emotions
But that probably doesnā€™t mean what you think.
Great Leaders Know How to Handle Their Emotions
Image: danielito311/flickr

It’s an odd thing to break into tears while chairing an elder’s meeting.

Before our gathering, I’d done my homework and had all the facts we needed to make decisions. But when we came to an agenda item about staffing, I became overwhelmed by my feelings—care ...

What the Oppressed Can Teach Us About the Bible
The way I read and lead has changed forever.
What the Oppressed Can Teach Us About the Bible
Image: restless_mind/flickr

God is taking me through an exercise in going global—right from my quiet time.

As I read through the Bible, I have a hunch that the lens I read through is just that—mine. So I’ve started seriously evaluating it: What “eyes” am I reading through? ...

When Stress Threatens Your Leadership
How to get back on track when the pressures of life consume you
When Stress Threatens Your Leadership

Leading while feeling stagnant and sluggish are sure ways to self-destruct in ministry. Attempting to lead others while we’re frustrated, uneasy, and tired will shipwreck our leadership abilities. The problem isn’t just big issues in life, but also the everyday ...

Support for Women Church Planters
How the Exponential Conference made me feel part of a tribe
Support for Women Church Planters
Image: Exponential

Loneliness is one of the greatest challenges church planters face.

Seven Key Issues Church Planters Face, a report prepared by Exponential, begins with these words: “Church planting is hard. Church planting is discouraging. Church planting is lonely. It is not for the ...

Lead Me On: God Doesnā€™t Want Our Good Behavior
He sees through the tactics we use to make ourselves look good.
Lead Me On: God Doesnā€™t Want Our Good Behavior

It’s hard to resist the idea that being a believer means being “good.” Sure, the Bible does tell us about how we should live, but it’s more than that.

Which puts us in the awkward position of making clear, cogent points about the Bible without falling ...

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