Something Is Different around Here!

A Note from Editor Amy Simpson

I’m thrilled to announce that Gifted for Leadership has a new look and a new home.

If you’ve visited this site in the past, you’ll notice our makeover—an updated design and a sleeker site.

What you may not notice as readily is that we are now officially hosted as part of the Leadership Journal website. Back when we launched in 2007, the quickest ...

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Listen to the Shepherd

If you're going to follow God, you have to recognize his voice
Listen to the Shepherd
Image: Thinkstock

Living life well requires following God. Leading others well requires following God.

Following God requires hearing God. Yet usually, our Lord doesn’t speak in an audible voice. We can’t hear him with our physical ears.

He has given us Scripture. We can read what is God-breathed. What treasure! Yet no matter how faithfully we study God’s Word, it remains ...

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6 Ways to Make Sabbath Realistic for Ministry Leaders

Yes, you really can
6 Ways to Make Sabbath Realistic for Ministry Leaders
Image: Thinkstock

Finding the middle spot in the dim room between round tables draped in white, I push high heels into the carpet under a ceiling of twinkle lights and speak to women seated around china tea cups and glass plates of cookies. They’ve asked me to tell them about the Sabbath Society.

I share about my weekly email sent to a group of nearly 300 Sabbath-keepers who observe ...

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We Are Better Together

Co-leadership really can work
We Are Better Together
Image: Thinkstock

Are two heads really better than one? Does anything with two heads really resemble a monster? It all depends on how we look at it.

English writer John Heywood actually coined "Two heads are better than one" in 1546. I am sure he did not realize he was speaking prophetically. But two heads together can work only when God is at the center. King Solomon, the wisest ...

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The Secret to Volunteer Retention

Just say thanks
The Secret to Volunteer Retention
Image: Thinkstock

A sign loomed outside my son's Sunday school class: "Room closed (unless someone wants to jump in and help today)." Fortunately, it was propped near a door but wasn't yet pulled out into the main area of the hallway. Apparently there were enough volunteers to staff that at that point in time, but if too many kids came and ratios were exceeded, the doors would ...

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One Reason People Won’t Join Your Church

Remember hurt can make commitment scary

The book of Hebrews urges us not to forsake assembling together with fellow Christians, but it does not say I have to be a member of your church (Hebrews 10:25). We have all heard the phrase "Church hurt is the worst hurt." I don't know if it's true for everyone, but it has been true for me. The world is a dark place, so many seek to find light in the body of Christ. People ...

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How to Really Address Declining Attendance

Reviving the committed in a low-commitment culture

When I was growing up in the Bible Belt, Sundays consisted of church, fried chicken, an afternoon nap, and then another dose of church in the evening. My childhood memories are full of handbells, youth choir, discipleship training, visitation, and potlucks. Fast-forward 20 years and Sundays look very different around town. No longer is the church the center of the family's ...

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We versus You

Membership makes a church stronger

I came to Christ through a parachurch organization as a teenager. Before that time, I had absolutely no church experience. I had attended Sunday school with a friend for a year when I was 9, but other than that, I knew nothing about how churches should operate.

However, when I became a Christian, attending a church became very important to me. I got involved in a low-key church ...

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The Promise of Church

Reasons we must go—and keep going

In Confessions, Augustine tells the conversion story of Marius Victorinus, an honored philosopher in ancient Rome whose statue stood in the Roman forum. Before his baptism as a Christian, he had vigorously defended the idolatrous Roman cults. After his study of the Scriptures, Victorinus was converted, though he did not immediately pursue membership in the Christian church. ...

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Turning a Blind Eye Is Not an Option

People of God, we must speak up and out against abuse

Years ago when I served as an assistant prosecutor, I was approached by a few coworkers (on different occasions) who were working on cases where children were sexually abused by someone in the church. Prosecuting cases where children are abused are the toughest cases to prosecute, in my opinion. Children are among the most vulnerable members of our society, and someone taking ...

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