We Can’t All Be Beth

I’m called to oversee the corner of influence God has given me

Nearly 10 years ago I sat in an Atlanta, Georgia, arena packed to the brim with college students. I was attending an annual conference hosted by Passion, and Beth Moore was about to take the stage.

In case you have never experienced Beth Moore's teaching outside the realm of women's events and teaching videos, it is an awesome thing to behold. I don't know if the co-ed environment ...

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Five People Who Need Your Prayer

A challenge to partner with God’s power

"My daughter's in a rough place; can you pray for her?" says one Facebook message this week.

The man with sad eyes at church stops me Sunday with a hand on my elbow. "Our marriage is in trouble. Will you pray for me?"

The requests come in person, in email, on the phone. As leaders, the needs around us can be overwhelming. But there are five people in your life—who probably ...

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Leadership Lessons from Bad Bosses

What I’ve learned from negative examples

We all know those leaders: the bosses we've had who've made us think, "How did they get to be where they are?"

For more than 18 years, I worked for such leaders at two of Canada's largest advertising agencies. After my ad-agency career, I pastored for seven years alongside those bosses at one of the oldest Convention Baptist churches in Toronto, Ontario. And as I climbed the ...

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Out with the Old Women’s Ministry

A new approach to impact women for Jesus

During the past decade, the landscape of key leadership positions within churches and non-profits has changed. The number of female senior pastors has doubled and there are more women than men leading non-profits.

Sadly, a strange dichotomy is occurring within the American church. While there are more women in key leadership positions than ever before, women are leaving the ...

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A Challenge to Children’s Ministry, Part 2

What really matters in reaching kids

In my last post, I wrote about a few hang-ups I have with children's ministries. As a parent, I honestly care less about the trappings of any ministry and much more about how it helps my kids see Jesus. There are a few key things I like to see in a kids' ministry, but I hope my thoughts will spur other ideas also.

Let There Be Extras!

Kids don't need expensive decorations, loud ...

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A Challenge to Children’s Ministry, Part 1

Why my kids may not visit your church

On a recent visit to a new church, my oldest son brought home one of those sheets with Bible verses and talking points. I looked it over as we drove and read aloud the big, bold print.

"You can be trusted when you choose the right words."

"What does that even mean?" my husband asked, risking a puzzled look away from the road.

I laughed, and we more or less dismissed the whole ...

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The Second Chair

The joys and challenges of being executive pastor: an interview with Karen Miller

Because Gifted for Leadership serves women in all kinds of church leadership roles, we have a great opportunity to learn from each other. I thought it would be helpful to occasionally highlight a leadership role and learn more about what it involves—plus receive some leadership lessons from a gifted woman.

Enjoy this interview with Executive Pastor Karen Miller.

What does your ...

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How to Empower the Women in Your Church

Start by addressing stereotypes
How to Empower the Women in Your Church
Image: iStock

I am currently a student pursing a PhD in educational studies. I have a great passion for women in our churches, and I hope my research will one day serve them, so I love to share what I'm learning from time to time. Especially when I think it can help church leaders.

In recent months I have studied a phenomenon called stereotype threat. This term refers to the pressure ...

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The Protégé Path

An introduction to a better way to train church leaders

Throughout history, if someone wanted to learn a particular skill, he or she would find a master or mentor to guide them. This person seeking to learn and grow is called a protégé. And like any skill or trade, ministry leadership involves a set of abilities that must be developed and cultivated.

There are countless protégés simply waiting for an experienced master of their ...

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Dealing with Toxic Staff

How I learned to exercise both grace and courage

I slumped on the bench in my church's main hallway. The footsteps and voices all around me receded as I let the words that had just come to mind sink deep: "For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others (Romans 12:4-5, NIV).

Slumping ...

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