Leaders Should Consider Twitter

Though it's been around for three years, Twitter hit the main stage of American culture when Oprah decided to write her first tweet. Though the site was excelling before the Oprah nod, more people are on Twitter today than ever before. So why should you consider signing up?

1. By Signing Up for Twitter, You Can Avoid the Blank Stares. In our modern age, there are some ...

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Wondering Why We're Sent

When I walk into a roomful of strangers, I engage in what is, at best, a self-imposed test in discernment; at worst a superficial gamble. I scan the women to whom I will be speaking and instinctually begin an imprecise version of memory, flipping cards in a lame attempt to match the earnestness of their smiles with the state of their souls. I do it with pretense, albeit ...

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Seeing Yourself in Scripture

As friends and I met for dinner to enjoy pictures of mutual friends' wedding, their four-year-old joined in the fun. At one stage I asked this child which picture was her favorite, and she quickly pointed to one saying "This one!" When I asked why, she pointed again and said the name of her best friend. Her parents and I strained our eyes to have another look. ...

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Leading in a Complaining Culture

One of the most taxing things one encounters when mothering a three-year old boy is the whining: the use of an annoyingly complaining voice. One would think - and many experts assert - that if a child is never given the item for which he whines and is always required to rephrase his request politely, the behavior would eventually be extinguished. But no such luck in our ...

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Confessions of a Finite Follower

"How long will it be before I am better?" I asked a trusted mentor and advisor. He thought for a moment and replied, "If you are really careful, I expect you'll be somewhat recovered and almost back to normal in about eight months." I blinked in disbelief. Eight months? It was not the answer I wanted or expected. A week, a month, at most, but eight ...

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Leading Through Downsizing

I’m an old pro at downsizing. It’s true.

While the rest of the world has watched recent events with anxiety at the possibility of losing their job, I’m quite familiar with this life of uncertainty. A veteran of the textile industry for 15 years, I’ve spent the last five watching the companies ...

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Sotomayor, Sexism, and the Supreme Court

When I was in sixth grade, a classmate told me that his dad told him that a woman could never be president because she'd "get all PMSy and probably ‘push the button' in one of her mood swings." This was in 1983, so that button she'd push was the "nuclear-war starting" button we all imagined on the big red phone next to ...

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Who Do You Follow?

I don't often have a strong reaction one way or the other to people's Twitter updates - or "Tweets" - but this one from a friend of mine got me. He wrote: "Twitter is one of the few places where you need to be a good leader & follower at the same time - a unique dynamic."


I thought about this throughout the rest of the day - because ...

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Julia Mateer

Get to know Julia Mateer, one of our Gifted for Leadership regular contributors.

Julia Mateer graduated from Liberty University with a Masters in Professional Counseling and is a licensed mental health counselor as well as a board certified Christian counselor specializing in women's and adolescent girls spiritual and clinical issues. Currently, Julia works as a therapist at a school for at-risk adolescent girls and has a private practice. Julia is the ...

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Renee James

Get to know Renee James, one of our Gifted for Leadership regular contributors.

In her regular job, Renee is the communications director for Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec and the editor of its award-winning magazine LIVE. She's also a regular contributor to Today's Christian Woman.

Prior to that, she scaled mountains at a Convention Baptist church in downtown Toronto where she served as administrative pastor for seven years. While in that ...

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