What We're Asked to Change

During a recent breakfast meeting, an apparently well-meaning supporter of my husband's campaign for State Representative told him that he really should've changed his name "like the Jews used to do" if he's serious about politics. It's a racist world, the man said, and people just won't want to vote for a Rafael Rivadeneira. Too Latin.

My ...

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Advent Redux

I've spent much of this week thinking about Advent–-as I've brainstormed some ideas for an upcoming Advent service at my church. I had it in my head–and in fact had it partly written on paper–to write a piece on Advent. But every time I thought of GFL and Advent, my mind went back to a post written by Bonnie McMaken last year.

It was so good–-and ...

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Jesus in the World of Worthless Daughters

"Thank you, Mother, for raising a worthless daughter."

These words , part of a lament of a bride going to meet her husband for the first time, summed up the experience of women in China in the 1800's, according to Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. In this book Lisa See brings to light the reality of life for a female in that society: No value, no rights, raised ...

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Leaning into Thanksgiving Clichés

Leaning into Thanksgiving Clichés

Thanksgiving: that time of year when dreams of stuffing, jello molds, and bean casseroles reign supreme. The season for finding a circle of people with whom to give a toast, say a prayer and give abundant thanks. Momenta to reminisce and recall God's provision, even in hardship. A holiday filled with good practices for us frantic Americans.

And while I honor these traditions ...

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Re-Thinking Conflict

"If you had a whole day free what would you do?"

The question came to me in a small group setting, and the answer came immediately to mind: "I'd go somewhere beautiful to sit and think." You see, I'm addicted to thinking.

Though I can't go somewhere beautiful for the day right now I have been thinking. Thinking about conflict. I've ...

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Cannibals in Christendom

I come from a long line of cannibals. My ancestors loved to chew up (and sometimes spit out) people. Mine was a particularly heinous group that made no distinction between "them" and "us." Members of our own family were just as likely to fall victim as were others. Imagine the tensions that arose when we gathered—each one wondering who might be ...

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Dorothy Greco

Get to know Dorothy Greco, one of our Gifted for Leadership regular contributors.

Dorothy Littell Greco uses words and images to help folks find transformation through Jesus Christ and see the beauty in everyday life. Her work has appeared in Relevant Magazine, Fullfill Magazine, Gifted for Leadership, Her.meneutics, Christianity Today, Today's Christian Woman, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Yankee Magazine, and many others. ...

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"It doesn't matter what happens next, it's not going to bother me."

I confidently exercised my faith aloud to the disbelieving passenger next to me. He snorted, as though he understood something I didn't.

"We'll see about that."

My husband and I'd been up since three in the morning to catch three different planes which would ...

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Confessions of a Money Changer

While visiting a very close friend, I agreed to help with her church's women's ministry event. I expected to prepare hospitality tables, fill vases with flowers and serve coffee and muffins. It's what we often do in women's ministry.

Instead, I was directed to the makeshift market that had been set up in the lobby. Eight-foot long, cloth-covered tables ...

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Putting Complainers to Work

I am a firm believer in open-book management—the practice of openly communicating financial details broadly across organizations. When I took over an intact department, I sought help in establishing a good approach to open-book management from a good friend and expert in the topic, Chuck Kremer. Chuck recommended an approach for sharing success stories, setting goals, ...

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