January 2007

Redefining Singles Ministry

When I moved to New York, I visited churches for a year. One of the reasons I settled at the church I joined is that it doesn't have a singles ministry. No one asked me to serve on the worship team of the singles service or teach in the singles Sunday-school class; my pastor instead asked me to serve on the education committee. And no one invited me to a singles mixer; ...

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Balance or Bust?

During a Mavericks game half-time show last season, I sat staring with my mouth wide open. With the rest of the breathless fans, I gawked at a tiny woman on an outrageously tall unicycle as she balanced a growing stack of bowls. She continued to toss them up, one by one, with her free foot (the other was pedalling, of course). I broke into a sweat because I was so nervous ...

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Too Busy Serving?

It was interesting to me that in the passage about the feeding of the five thousand, we have absolutely no record of the disciples eating. All it tells us is that they picked up the leftovers. The disciples were doing good thing by serving, but they were so busy picking up the leftovers of everybody else's blessing that they missed on being filled.

Now I don't ...

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Character Leading

Almost all of us agree that good character is the centerpiece of authentic first-rate leadership. Good character is the key to good leadership because people tend to follow whatever standard the leader sets. Recent studies in moral intelligence show that the level of morality exercised by a company's character consistently affects the bottom line. It takes good character ...

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Caryn Rivadeneira

Get to know Caryn Rivadeneira, one of our Gifted for Leadership editors and a regular contributor.

Caryn Rivadeneira is an writer, editor, and speaker. Her first book, Mama's Got a Fake I.D.: How to Reveal the Real You Behind All That Mom, hit the shelves in March 2009.

Caryn has worked in Christian publishing for more than 10 years, during which time she has written numerous magazine articles and edited several books on both marriage and family issues. Her tenure includes ...

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Roxanne Wieman

Meet Roxanne Wieman.

Roxanne Wieman is the former editor of Gifted for Leadership. She graduated from Colorado State University with honors in English Literature and Creative Writing, and a minor in Religious Studies. She's worked in Christian publishing for nearly five years, and has developed over forty books for church leaders, edited dozens of Bible studies, and contributed to five ...

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Working Well with Men

It's almost impossible to talk about gender issues without crashing into all the stereotypes about work-obsessed men, overly sensitive women, and the nasty label that gets attached to assertive women in the workplace. So let me say this from the get go: Each sex has its strengths and weak spots, and the issues we face when we work together are the result of these strengths ...

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Born to Lead

I've spent most of my life in leadership. I led my little sister in shenanigans for years. I led my friends on the playground and my fellow students in the classroom. I was captain of my cross-country team in high school and served on Student Senate in college. I was on the student leadership team for my church youth group and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. But I ...

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Does the Bible Really Say I Can’t Teach Men?

Does the Bible Really Say I Can’t Teach Men?
Image: Hill Street Studios/Getty

I grew up in England with a queen on the throne and was educated at an all-girls' school and women's college in Cambridge by gifted females (and led to Christ by a female medical professional). So after becoming a Christian, imagine my dismay when I first joined a church where women weren't allowed to do any of the things in which I knew they excelled!

Later as ...

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Wrestling with God’s Leadership

The most important thing God ever taught me is to pray for what I lack. I've had to pray that above all else, he would give me a love for him, and a hunger and thirst for his Word. In my twenties, I was a Sunday school teacher, and I was pitiful. I just didn't know God's Word. So I prayed about it and signed up for a Bible doctrine class at my church that I ...

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