How to Ask a Man to Mentor You
In light of #MeToo, some men are more reluctant than ever to mentor a woman.
How to Ask a Man to Mentor You
Image: Westend61/Getty

Thankfully, the #MeToo movement is pointing out the longtime abuses that powerful men have held over women. As women, we rejoice in the fact that justice is being served and look forward to a kinder future in which our dignity and safety are respected and, hopefully, even valued. ...

How to Make Finding a Mentor Less Awkward
Three shifts in the way I thought about mentoring freed me.
How to Make Finding a Mentor Less Awkward
Image: Weekend Images Inc./Getty

Why does finding a mentor feel like dating? You look for someone who meets all the qualities you desire in a role model. You weigh the pros and cons of a long distance relationship over Skype and the classic coffee shop face-to-face. You wonder if the person will be into it ...

Pastoring the Victims of #MeToo
Four steps your church can take to minister well
Pastoring the Victims of #MeToo
Image: David McNew/Getty Images

In the 24 hours after #MeToo first appeared on Twitter, more than 4.7 million women (and some men) engaged with the thread. Many were admitting for the first time that they had been victims of rape, sexual abuse, or sexual harassment. Any of these individuals who desire healing ...

Getting Past the Lie of Rejection
Five steps you can take to get back on track.
Getting Past the Lie of Rejection
Image: Lightstock

“We feel like the Holy Spirit is calling you elsewhere.”

Each word pierced me like a dagger to my soul. After pouring hours, sweat, tears, and passion into a church I loved, the leadership decided I was not enough. I was not enough. Those four words penetrated my ...

Choose to Pause and Fill Up
Pausing in a selah with Christ is the catalyst of revival, restoration, and peace.
Choose to Pause and Fill Up
Image: Lightstock

I don’t often choose to rest. Sometimes God has to force me to pause. So when I look at Matthew 17, I relate to Peter. He is always rushing forward, always looking at what is next, passionate, and impulsive. Jesus took him, along with James and John, away from the other ...

Top 10 Articles of 2017
You donā€™t want to miss any of our most popular articles.
Top 10 Articles of 2017
Image: Lightstock

Each December, we love to take a look back at our most popular articles of the year. As usual, our readers enjoyed a wide variety of topics, never shying away from the tough subjects. From imposter syndrome to ministry mistakes to singleness—our top articles carry great ...

8 Ways You're Appreciated
We asked male leaders why they're thankful for you.
8 Ways You're Appreciated
Image: Lightstock

As a special gift to you this year, we asked male leaders why they’re thankful for women who lead in the church. We loved all the responses, but the following eight really caught our attention. We hope you spend a few minutes reading their responses and feel seen, appreciated, ...

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