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Dealing with emotions across political differences is the next opportunity for the church to work through division.
A new children’s book series explores the neglected prophetic books and how they point to Jesus.
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus calls his divided followers to pursue unity as the family of God.
Worshiping God with words we don’t understand may seem strange. But I consider it a spiritual practice.
The Bulletin
The Bulletin discusses the final presidential campaign push, churches in the age of screens, and the UN’s work in Gaza.
Where Ya From?
Hear Pastor Brady Boyd share his experience building bridges that bring the gospel to the tipping points of our culture.
How our internet use is prone to the ancient vice of akrasia.
The love of many Christians has grown cold. How can we reorder our desires and affections?
Rod Dreher’s new book is a sprawling, vulnerable call to enchantment in a disenchanted world.
The harvest of spiritual seekers today is aplenty, but the mentality of the workers is outdated.