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‘Blue Like Jazz’ spoke for a generation and left disillusioned evangelicals more dissatisfied.
Let us not give up meeting together—even when we disagree.
Journalist Jason Kirk discusses his new novel, turn-of-the-century evangelicalism, and deconstruction.
Faith is dividing families. What does lament look like in our relationships to God and our loved ones?
One of the best gifts you can give your church is not leaving too soon.
Self-centered testimonies have been abused. But not sharing our story can be equally selfish.
Spiritual abuse survivors who join a new congregation still need to heal from their hurt.
They can encourage people on similar journeys. They can also misconstrue one’s own.
Roger Olson sympathizes with liberal leavers, but he draws the line at liberal theology.
Cover Story
What’s behind the exvangelical trend isn’t new. But it sheds new light on theology.