NY Cardinal, ‘AD’ Producers Step Up Campaign against Mideast Persecution
80 leaders sign letter. Pope Francis critical of weak response to ‘unacceptable crimes.’
Rick Warren’s First Sermon Since Son’s Suicide Promises Push on Mental Health
Pastor envisions campaign to rival megachurch’s work on HIV/AIDS.
A Spanish Service Is Not Enough: It’s Time to Feed the ‘Hellenized Latinos’
Spanish-speaking ministry models are designed to preserve the preferences of the foreign born.
Hispanic Groups Divided over 2010 Census
One group is urging a boycott while another group says Latinos should take part in the census.
First faith caucus focuses on common good
Joel Hunter and Cameron Strang to pray at Democratic National Convention
Jim Wallis will moderate the faith caucus.
Religious Left is Growing Up Faster than Religious Right Did
Preach and Reach
Despite his liberal record, Barack Obama is making a lot of evangelicals think twice.