El baterista de tu iglesia hace más de lo que crees
Los músicos encargados del ritmo buscan adaptarse a los nuevos cambios en la música de adoración.
Your Church Drummer Has More and Less to Do These Days
How the keeper of the beat is adapting to shifts in worship music.
Falleció Loren Cunningham, movilizador de viajes misioneros de corto plazo
El fundador de JuCUM (YWAM) tuvo la visión de «olas» de jóvenes llevando el Evangelio a todas las naciones.
Died: Loren Cunningham, Who Launched Millions on Short-Term Missions
YWAM founder saw “waves” of young people carrying the gospel to every nation.
Nuestros servicios de adoración están convirtiendo la alabanza en ganancia secular
Con la consolidación corporativa de la música de alabanza, cada vez más entidades invierten en las canciones que se cantan los domingos por la mañana. ¿Cómo influirán en la Iglesia esos intereses económicos?
Our Worship Is Turning Praise into Secular Profit
With corporate consolidation in worship music, more entities are invested in the songs sung on Sunday mornings. How will their financial incentives shape the church?
After the Pandemic, Are Worship Leaders Gearing Up for Battle or Healing?
At this year’s summer conferences, worship pastors and musicians prepare for a range of emotions as churches sing together again.
Walker Percy: The Hopeful Dystopian
The novelist’s darkly satirical lessons remain stubbornly relevant, no matter the news cycle.
He Led Churches in the World’s Largest Refugee Camp. Now He Waxes Floors.
But in his spare time, a leading refugee pastor is mentoring immigrant ministry leaders across the country.
Evangelical Leaders Challenge Trump’s ‘America First’ Budget
Group of 100 prominent Christians worry severe cuts to foreign aid will reverse progress at reducing poverty.