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Responses to our October issue via letters, tweets, and Facebook posts.
Caring for Refugees: A Declaration of Evangelical Response
At gathering of 100+ leaders, organizers pledge to engage ‘global refugee emergency.’
Mission Drift: The Unspoken Crisis Facing Leaders, Charities, and Churches
A summary from Leadership Journal
The End of Lists
#14: Write article. #15: Call friends. #16: Clean the bathroom.
Lost Boy Olympian Lopez Lomong Runs to Save Lives
How the runner uses his own success to help native South Sudan.
How to Help Orphans
Orphanages are not always the best answer.
To the Church That Endures Persecution
An open letter to congregations with no illusions of security or peace
American Christians Embrace Islam
Plus: Same-sex marriage amendment has little hope of passing, Pat Robertson’s protein shakes removed from GNC, Louisiana to ban abortions, China’s top cardinal criticizes government over Tiananmen Square massacre, the date of the beast, and more articles
Christians back abstinence-fidelity plan against deadly virus
To the Church That Endures Persecution by Steve Haas
To the Church That Endures Persecution: