5 Passages Your Pastor Wishes You’d Stop Taking out of Context
How we get them wrong and what church leaders can do about it.
What Tim Keller Does Best
A review of Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism.
Insights for Preachers
Hermeneutics + neuroscience + missional theology.
The Power of Preaching Teams
Toolkit: Preaching
Readers Write
Your responses to the November 2010 issue of Christianity Today.
A Man for All Evangelicals
Vernon Grounds shaped the movement with a rare combination of gifts in apologetics, social justice, and pastoral counseling.
Bruce Shelley: A Historian for the People
The late author of the best-selling Church History in Plain Language had a passion for ministry through story.
Death in the Morning
Passionate for Change
For the church course, these business books are up to par.
Growing Edge Book Review: Why Words Follow Works
When explosive evangelism fizzles and servant evangelism doesn’t work, what’s next?