3 Popular Misconceptions About Advent
Christian leaders from Brazil, Colombia, France, and the Philippines weigh in on mistaken beliefs about the season.
Tres ideas populares pero equivocadas sobre el Adviento
Líderes cristianos de Brasil, Colombia, Francia y Filipinas presentan sus comentarios sobre las creencias erróneas acerca de esta temporada.
Should Hymns Keep the Theology of Their Writers?
Experts weighed in.
John Piper Changed ‘Great Is Thy Faithfulness.’ Experts Weigh In.
Reformed tweaks to Methodist hit raise the question: Should hymns keep the theological orientation of their authors?
What Evangelicals Can Learn from George Lindbeck
Here’s why one of the leaders of postliberalism believed conservative Protestants would carry the torch.
Died: Thomas Oden, Methodist Theologian Who Found Classical Christianity
His contribution to theology: nothing new. And that’s what made him famous.
La burocracia de inmigración bloquea a pastores calificados
Medidas severas implementadas en 2008 en las visas para obreros religiosos han dejado a muchas iglesias inmigrantes en una situación delicada.
Is Megachurch Worship Addictive?
Scholars, including the coauthor of the recent study alleging that it creates a “high,” weigh in.
Generic Evangelicalism
Life in Those Old Bones
If you’re interested in doing mission, there could hardly be a better tool than denominations.