The Christianity Today Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
Christianity Today’s 2016 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
High Priests of Middlebrow Culture
Bestsellers of liberal American religion.
Teach Us to Pray: Learning from Prayer Partners in History
Great figures from church history have much to teach about talking with God.
6 Catholics, 3 Jews
Does it matter that there might soon be no Protestants on the Supreme Court?
Welcome to the Christian History Blog
A Long Ride on the Mainline
100 Years of The Christian Century.
History for History-Phobes
For anyone who gets a headache just thinking about the church’s past, Christian History Made Easy may be the cure.
Ghosts of the Temple
Soon after Jerusalem fell, the Roman Colosseum went up. Coincidence?
The Communion Test
How a “Humble Inquiry” into the nature of the church cost Jonathan Edwards his job.