Review: “Evangelical Postcolonial Conversations”
How can churches embrace a repentant response to a dark side of culture?
Are Mormons More Christian Than We Think?
Stephen Webb asks whether Latter-day theology sheds new light on familiar beliefs.
Connecting Christ
How to discuss Jesus in a world of diverse paths.
Becoming Donald Miller
Marshall Allman plays the author of ‘Blue Like Jazz.’
Readers Write
Your responses to the August 2009 issue of Christianity Today.
Audio Ur: Paul Metzger on Profits and Prophets
What happens when a movement becomes a monument?
Episcopal Bishops Balk at Anglican Leaders’ Demands
Plus: The truth about that Anglican-Catholic union rumor; baby bone scandal at Indian Christian hospital; New Life’s overseers speak on Haggard’s “dark side”; and other stories.
Why Catholicism Is Dying in Ireland
Plus: Billy Graham in Baltimore, the Church of England approves female bishops, NYT on Rob Bell, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Beyond the Episcopal Church’s Pagan Eucharist
Plus: Bush speaks about his religion (and that of others), TBN cancels Praise-a-thon, and many other stories from online sources around the world.
Weblog Bonus: You’d Better Watch Out
Battles over holiday displays are chief among the 230 religion news stories you’ll find from online news stories around the world