Died: Glen H. Stassen, Baptist Ethicist Who Pioneered ‘Just Peacemaking’
Fuller Seminary professor ‘transformed the old conversation between just war theorists and pacifists.’ Also rethought Sermon on the Mount and ‘incarnational discipleship.’
Why Don’t We Find Bloodshed Repugnant Anymore?
Yes, the early church was pro-life. But it wasn’t just the death of the unborn that it opposed.
Divorce and the Congregation
Practical wisdom informed by biblical teaching.
What’s New Is Old: ‘America’s New Evangelicals’
Today’s politically liberal evangelicals may not be as different as some imagine.
With Parents’ Help
Newlyweds will need our financial help for a while.
Holocaust Remembrance and Christian Responsibility
The history of Christian relationships with the Jews has both its bright spots and its dark corners.
Holocaust Remembrance and Christian Responsibility
The history of Christian relationships with the Jews has both its bright spots and its dark corners.
Trying to Reform the United Nations from the Inside
Human rights advocates disagree on whether the U.S. will help by joining a controversial council.
The New Center and A Great Awakening
Are David Gushee and Jim Wallis on to something happening within American evangelicalism?
Consensus Against Torture
A response to Keith Pavlischek.