Died: Yechiel Eckstein, Rabbi Who Rallied Evangelical Support for Israel
Founder of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews overcame longstanding tensions and brought in $140 million a year for Holy Land projects.
Gleanings: April 2019
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our April issue).
Christ at the Checkpoint in the Age of Trump
As Christian Zionism influences US policy in Israel, Palestinian evangelicals seek greater acceptance from the American church.
Blessed Through Israel: How Guatemala’s Evangelicals Inspired Its Embassy Move
As Pentecostalism rises in Latin America, so does spiritual and political support for the Holy Land.
Evangelicals Still Want to Evangelize Jews, But Not for the Same Reasons
Survey finds sharing the gospel with God’s “chosen people” is less tied to the end times.
Shalom, Amigos: The Changing Faces of Christian Zionism
How Hispanic evangelicals hope to become Israel’s best friends.
The Attempt to Sell Hispanic Evangelicals on Israel
At NHCLC convention, Jeb Bush gets more applause on Zionism than immigration or Spanish.
Yechiel Eckstein: Evangelicals’ Favorite Rabbi
The ultimate kibitzer wants Jews to trust evangelicals, and evangelicals to love Israel.
Readers Write
Your responses to the February 2009 issue of Christianity Today.
Why Evangelize the Jews?
God’s chosen people need Jesus as much as we do.