Patrons’ Saints: Christians Turn to Patreon, Substack, and Kickstarter
As more evangelical figures embrace crowdfunding, is the format demanding too much of them?
The Embodied Church in a Digital Age
Should we cheer or moan when online churches perform virtual baptisms?
Christianity Today’s 2018 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
The Pastoral Skill We Must Reclaim
Author Paul Pastor talks Christian formation in the Information Age.
Good Reading, Good Looking
Your good taste in reading material has been confirmed. Award-winning content from the past year.
Welcome to PARSE
A new look at the intersection of ministry and culture.
Wednesday Link List: The Behemoth, Pub Theology, and Evangelical Expats.
These links are made for walkin’
Wednesday Link List: Disc Golf, Biblical Theology of Sleep, and Evangelism-phobia.
At the linka linkacabana.
Where is God on Monday?
Equipping the church for faith at work.
Wednesday Link List: Colbert on CBS, Johnny “Herod” Rotten, and Mommy Bloggers
Links for what ails you.