What Women Miss When They Go Missing from Church
An appeal to return from someone who walked away herself.
¿Publicar sin cesar? Cómo las redes sociales han modificado nuestras vidas de oración
Interceder por Instagram puede parecer un fenómeno exclusivo del siglo XXI, pero los cristianos del primer siglo ya oraban a distancia.
Post Without Ceasing? How Social Media Reshapes Our Prayer Lives
Interceding on Instagram may seem like a uniquely 21st-century phenomenon, but Christians in the first century were already praying at a distance.
Christianity Today’s 2021 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
5 Books That Taught Me to Love the Local Church
Chosen by Megan Hill, author of “A Place to Belong: Learning to Love the Local Church” (Crossway).
Churches: Put Down That Spiritual Gifts Quiz
What the local body misses when it focuses on personality analyses and congregational surveys.
Little Church, Big Faith
There are plenty of challenges for small congregations, but they also bring unique strengths.
Netflix’s Christian Camp Musical Nails Its ’90s CCM Soundtrack
‘A Week Away’ captures the look and sounds of summer camp but misses out on the beliefs beneath its catchy songs.
The Global Church Starts at My Dinner Table
Why my kids participate in praying for the persecuted church.
When Prayer Requests Become Viral Hashtags
Online outlets like CaringBridge, GoFundMe, and social media accounts have the power to turn individual medical crises into trending topics.