The Bible Is More Than the Sum of Its Books
Why Christians read the diversity within the canon as a unified whole.
10 New or Lesser-Known Female Theologians Worth Knowing
More and more evangelical women are pursuing higher education in theology. Here are a few you haven’t heard of yet.
What Does the Lord Require of You?
Micah’s most beloved verse is more than a spiritual to-do list.
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Responses to our December issue via letters, tweets, and blogs.
Forgive Us Our Debts: Family Christian Turns to the Law for Grace
The Bible debate inside the bankrupt bookstore chain’s searches for a new buyer.
When God Hits Below the Belt
Sometimes he pulls us into the ring—but he always gives us grace to endure.
Cuando Dios pega donde más duele
Algunas veces Él nos mete al cuadrilátero—pero siempre nos da la gracia para resistir.
Not Just a New Testament God
The cranky, severe, Old Testament God isn’t an opening act.