Shame Is Often Toxic and Harmful. Sometimes, It’s Just What We Deserve.
A Christian philosopher pushes back on attempts to rid ourselves of this unloved emotion.
La apologética puede prosperar tras RZIM. Pero algunos cambios son necesarios.
Para sus detractores, la caída de Ravi Zacharias significa el fin de un movimiento; sin embargo, su derrumbe nos recuerda que debemos profundizar nuestros compromisos fundamentales con la obra del evangelio.
Apologetics Can Flourish After RZIM. But Only With ‘Lowercase Leaders’ and the Local Church.
To detractors, Ravi Zacharias’s fall means the end of a movement. But his demise reminds us to deepen our core commitments to gospel work.
How Larry Norman Became the Elvis Presley of Christian Rock
His music inspired a generation of Jesus freaks, but he never shook the suspicion of being a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Mark Noll: My Top 5 Books to Spark Interest in History
The Oracles Fell Silent
The still small voice of the religious novelist.
A Tale of Two Scientists: What Really Happened ‘In the Beginning’
How two evangelicals—one a young-earth creationist, the other an evolutionary creationist—have lived out their faith and professions.
Ministries of Mercy: Mother Teresa
She stirred a generation by touching the untouchables.
“Old Pieties No Longer Sufficed”
Emily Dickinson and the loss of belief.
Praying ‘Deliver Us from Evil’
Quotations to stir heart and mind.