Blessed Are Those Who Mourn Suicide
Caring for people in pain requires a rich theology of suffering.
Bienaventurados los que lamentan el suicidio
Cuidar de las personas que pasan por un dolor profundo requiere una sólida teología del sufrimiento.
Preventing Suicide
An interview with Karen Mason
My Top 5 Books on Mental Illness
Picks from the author of ‘Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church’s Mission’
Through a Glass, Darkly
Ministry to the mentally ill.
My Encounter with Mental Illness
College is a seedbed for depression. Here’s what Christian campuses can do to help.
Light When All Is Dark
Our theology makes all the difference in fighting depression.
Effective Hospital Visits
Look carefully for the primary condition: fear, fatigue, or …
<em>Darkness Is My Only Companion</em>
Psychotherapy that uses Scripture without ignoring science.