We Toys Can See Everything … So Play Nice
On toys and childhood fears.
Does Jesus Wear Undies?
My kids ask the darndest theological questions—putting my seminary degree to the test.
This Is as Close to Hell as I Ever Wanna Get
It’s hard to be skeptical when you’re so incredibly scared.
5 Books on Understanding the Human Brain
Chosen by Bradley L. Sickler, author of “God on the Brain: What Cognitive Science Does (and Does Not) Tell Us about Faith, Human Nature, and the Divine” (Crossway).
Netflix’s ‘Messiah’ Says the World Needs a Savior
The problem is, which one?
Does Your Pastor Need a Friend?
A study reveals why relational ministry can leave our inner circle empty.
When Science Comes to Church
Our churches are full of people who want to know more about science and faith. And those outside the church want to know even more.
Born Believers, Part 3
A “hypersensitive agency detection device.”
Born Believers, Part 2
Childlike Faith: Are Kids Born with Belief?
What developmental science tells us about children’s religious beliefs.