The Christian Liberal Arts Tradition Can Appeal to Christians and Non-Christians Alike
Its main rivals seek truth without transcendence, or justice without redemption. And both flatten the meaning of human existence.
«¿Cómo pudieron equivocarse todos los profetas con respecto a Trump?»
Tras las elecciones de 2020, un remanente de líderes carismáticos está intentando revivir el movimiento desde dentro.
‘How Could All the Prophets Be Wrong About Trump?’
After the 2020 election, a remnant of charismatic leaders are trying to revive their movement from within.
Evangelical Leaders Challenge Trump’s ‘America First’ Budget
Group of 100 prominent Christians worry severe cuts to foreign aid will reverse progress at reducing poverty.
Women and the Ironies of Providence
Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley.
Fishing for the Truth
Conversations with moviemakers.
God and the Detectives
Religious mysteries: a perplexing case.
LOST and Joseph Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’
Chris Seay weighs in on Tuesday’s LOST episode, “The Last Recruit”
London Letters, 6
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