Christianity Today’s 2023 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
Advent Week 2: God’s Presence and His Promises
Advent devotional readings from Christianity Today.
Segunda semana de Adviento: La presencia de Dios y Sus promesas
Lecturas devocionales de Adviento de Christianity Today.
¿Realmente amamos la Ley de Dios?
El Antiguo Testamento no contradice la ética del Nuevo Testamento, la aclara.
Do We Really Love God’s Law?
The Old Testament doesn’t contradict New Testament ethics. It clarifies them.
Whatever Your Secret Sins, the Psalms Will Give You the Courage to Come Clean
Hiding from God (and neighbor) is dehumanizing, but honest prayer and confession bring healing and freedom.
Will the ‘First Testament’ Grab Your Attention?
Scholar John Goldingay wants readers to rediscover the original feel of the Old Testament in his new translation.
Dispatches from the Wondrous, Terrifying World of Bible Scholarship
Why studying Scripture professionally can bring great joy—but also great pain.
4 Surprising Benefits of Seminary
What I learned in a classroom that proved helpful in leading a church.
Learning to Lament
How my church’s violent neighborhood led us to discover the power of lament.