The Christianity Today Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
Sony’s Pure Flix Acquisition Could Raise the Bar for Christian Movies
As a major Hollywood studio invests in on-demand inspirational content, the question becomes how they’ll approach the sprawling offerings targeting the Christian market.
Doubt Your Faith at an Evangelical College? That’s Part of the Process
Research shows that students at CCCU schools are more likely to face a religious crisis than their secular counterparts.
Southern Baptist Women Launch Petition Against Paige Patterson
Controversy over past remarks leads Southwestern Seminary to announce special board meeting.
Wonders Never Cease
Issue 56 and beyond: Where we’ll keep finding amazing stuff.
BAMCinemafest 2016 Round-Up
Five films worth looking for.
Christian Counseling in Limbo
Allegations against Mercy Multiplied reveal the range of faith-based approaches to mental health.
Did Will Smith Deserve an Oscar Nomination?
How do we judge good acting? And why does it matter?
Can Scientists and Evangelical Leaders Work Together?
The Perceptions Project is bringing together two groups who rarely have a chance to meet.
The News Roundup: More ‘Meatballs’ and An All-Female ‘Ghostbusters’
Plus a bunch of trailers and Yahoo! gets into TV.