Friday Five: Marian Liautaud
Providing practical help on the challenging issues of life.
Waking Up the Church to Gender Injustice
A CT interview with “Half the Sky” coauthor Nicholas Kristof.
The Holocaust Happening Right Under Our Noses
In some countries, hearing “It’s a girl” is no cause for celebration—it’s a death sentence. A new film captures global gendercide.
Genocide in Shades of Pink
What if every female in America suddenly disappeared? It would feel a lot like Asia, where sex-selective abortion has taken 163 million girls. How the gospel is slowly turning the tide on the quiet holocaust.
Shouldn’t a Ban on Sex-Selective Abortions in America Be a No-Brainer?
In the war on women, two very different battles are being fought.
Half the Sky Is Falling
‘Unnatural Selection’ traces the world’s missing girls back to powerful Western institutions.
Ur Video: Consumerism and Church Buildings
Skye Jethani asks whether our buildings transform or reinforce cultural values.
Playing It Safe
How one children’s ministry director goes to bat for protecting kids.