The Damage of Division
Remembering the Holocaust with our Jewish neighbors, lamenting the present in racially divided America, and searching for faithfulness and hope in the church.
The Good News Hiding Beneath the Headlines
As we begin another year, Philip Yancey reminds us: Grace hasn’t vanished.
Have We Forgotten the Power of Touch?
Embracing healing touch in a culture that shies away from physical contact.
Darkness and Light in India
Paradoxes abound.
The Embattled Career of Dr. Koop
Despite political pressures, the surgeon general was out to fight disease, not people.
The Healing Pen
Philip Yancey writes to save his past—and others’ futures.
That Hurts
An interdisciplinary study of pain
What about Billy Graham?
Readers see oversights and omissions in our list of the top 50 most influential evangelical books.
Hope for the Living Dead
Without corrective surgery, women with fistula injuries become outcasts.