Líderes bautistas de la iglesia Bethlehem se enfrentan por «mimos» y «cultura de la cancelación»
Un debate sobre la «empatía desconectada de la realidad» pone de relieve la forma en que los líderes salientes, incluido el sucesor de John Piper, abordaron temas candentes como el abuso y el debate racial.
Bethlehem Baptist Leaders Clash Over ‘Coddling’ and ‘Cancel Culture’
A debate over “untethered empathy” underscores how departing leaders, including John Piper’s successor, approached hot-button issues like race and abuse.
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Responses to our November issue.
Died: Doug Coe, Humble Faith in the Halls of Power
His Fellowship is the force behind DC discipleship and the National Prayer Breakfast.
Dear Secretary Tillerson: Don’t Downsize Religion in Foreign Affairs
Closing the RGA is much more than a bureaucratic loss; it impacts our Christian brothers and sisters around the globe.
Charleston and the Resilience of Wednesday Night Church
A year later, the mid-week prayer meeting is more important than ever.
Baseball Review 2016, Part 2
Auguries and predictions (with an eye to 1983).
A Detroit School Where Jesus Is Head of the Class
Ernestine Sanders and Clark Durant attribute their school’s success to its Christ-centered focus.
Anatomy of a Church Split
Heeding the early signs of conflict can save churches untold heartache.
The Gospel Is More Than a Story: Rethinking Narrative and Testimony
Story is all the rage. Everyone wants to tell their personal narrative or to give the Bible a simpler and more relevant plot. Maybe it isn’t such a good idea.