¿Qué creen los católicos?
La doctrina católica según el teólogo jesuita Avery Dulles.
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Responses to our January/February issue.
Ten Reasons Why Theology Matters
Most Christians agree theology is important, but can’t articulate why. These reasons can help.
Theology on Fire
Katherine Sonderegger’s doctrine of God.
Hearts Strangely Warmed
The case for “reclaiming” Pietism.
Died: Leanne Payne, 82, Prominent Leader in Pastoral Care, Healing Movement
Author of seven books, she supported orientation change for gays and lesbians.
You Probably Love (or Hate) ‘Heaven Is For Real’ for All the Wrong Reasons
It’s not a travel guide. And Colton Burpo isn’t the first Christian to have an ecstatic experience.
Jurassic Evangelicalism
The legacy of Carl F. H. Henry.
Evangelicals on the Basel Trail
Reckoning with Karl Barth.
Donald Bloesch, UCC Evangelical, Died Tuesday
The United Church of Christ loses a prominent conservative voice.