How Artificial Super-Intelligence Is Today’s Tower of Babel
Mimicking the human brain might be man’s search for significance in himself.
Captives of the Prophet
The 1996 Uganda kidnappings.
Missions and Modernity in Colonial Africa
Most of what you think you know is wrong.
Crisis of Faith Statements
Does it matter ‘why’ Christian professors agree with their colleges’ doctrine?
The Best of Times and the Worst of Times
The public and private faces of higher education.
Americans in Africa
Conundrums of aid and development
What Are Universities For?
The contested terrain of moral education.
Why Aid (Often) Doesn’t Work
A modest report.
A Messiaenic Vision
Celebrating the centenary of composer Olivier Messiaen.
Bush Visit to Calvin College Exposes Divisions
Commencement address invigorates debates about the Reformed relationship to American politics and evangelicalism.