Is Harry the Chosen One?
As Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince opens, we are once again reminded of the characteristics that make him something of a Christ figure.
‘We Could Not Reach Out to Him,’ Says Campus Crusade Leader
Plus: Supreme Court’s abortion decision, Zimbabwe gets worse, and other stories.
Redeeming Harry Potter
The initial Christian outcry against the boy wizard seems to be dying down. Maybe that’s because more and more of us are discovering multiple redemptive themes in the series.
The Gospel According to …
… Charlie Brown, Tony Soprano, and other unlikely spiritual guides
Second-Best Kid Lit Ever
John Granger considers the Potter series the best thing since The Chronicles of Narnia.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
‘The Prisoner of Azkaban’ is perhaps the most emotionally complex of the Harry Potter stories to date
Connie Neal
The author of The Gospel According to Harry Potter talks about leading a friend to Christ through the wizard hero.
National Book Award Finalist Ron Hansen on Christian Fiction
“It’s important to instruct while entertaining, but method can be as important as message, says the author of Isn’t It Romantic? and Atticus”
Jim Van Yperen on Church Conflicts
The author of Making Peace: A Guide to Overcoming Church Conflict says the early church was also full of problems.
War Is Not a Necessary Evil
The author of When God Says War Is Right says early Christians weren’t pacifists but looked at the entire Bible for advice on war.