Christianity Today’s 2024 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
Why Should Pastors Get All the Good Theology Textbooks?
Churches across the country are reclaiming theological education to make it available to everyone.
Líderes y amigos recuerdan a C. René Padilla
Teólogos y pastores de América Latina y de todo el mundo lamentan la muerte del teólogo que ayudó a integrar la acción social y la evangelización.
Leaders and Friends Remember C. René Padilla
Theologians and pastors from Latin America and around the world mourn the theologian who helped integrate social action and evangelism.
Aunque los nombres han cambiado, nuestra atracción hacia los ídolos permanece
Cómo la falsa adoración de hoy en día se asemeja a la del Antiguo Testamento.
Our Attraction to Idols Remains the Same, Even When the Names Change
How false worship today resembles false worship in the Old Testament.
Your God Will Come!
Isaiah 35 is a wilderness promise for exiles—and for us.
Who Am I That I Should Lead?
Some people need warnings to avoid the spotlight. Others need encouragement to step up.
The Three Horizons of Old Testament Prophecy
The prophets launch their words into the future. Where do they land?
5 Books More Christian High Schoolers Should Read
Matthew Farrelly recommends some overlooked classics.