Goodbye Roe v. Wade: Pro-Life Evangelicals Celebrate the Ruling They’ve Waited For
Supreme Court: The landmark abortion-rights case was “egregiously wrong and on a collision course with the Constitution from the day it was decided.”
Adiós a ‘Roe vs. Wade’: Evangélicos provida celebran el fallo que habían estado esperando
Corte Suprema: El histórico caso del derecho al aborto fue «atrozmente incorrecto y en camino a colisionar con la Constitución desde el día en que se decidió».
Olas de la reforma a favor de la vida
Católicos y evangélicos encuentran puntos en común en los centros para embarazos en crisis.
Ultrasounds Help Bridge Evangelical and Catholic Theology
Pregnancy centers find common ground in the pro-life cause.
Una ética antigua, muy antigua
¿Qué pasó con la repugnancia que los cristianos antes sentíamos hacía el derramamiento de sangre?
Why Don’t We Find Bloodshed Repugnant Anymore?
Yes, the early church was pro-life. But it wasn’t just the death of the unborn that it opposed.
Died: C. Everett Koop, Surgeon General Who Taught Evangelicals To Hate Abortion
(UPDATED) Koop brought abortion into the social conscience of American evangelicals.
The End Is Not the End
C. Everett Koop on death and dying.
Koop Calls on Church to Address AIDS, Sex Education
The former Surgeon General also spoke about abortion, contraception, and the health care crisis.
The Embattled Career of Dr. Koop
Despite political pressures, the surgeon general was out to fight disease, not people.