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The Lure of Sexual Attraction

All the safeguards in the world will not help the counselor who has not come to terms with his own sexuality.
Andre Bustanoby
Prayer, meditation, and temptation make a minister.
Martin Luther

Recent surveys by Christianity Today, Inc. (CTi), show that both pastors and lay people recognize clergy are particularly vulnerable to sexual temptation. Our positions and duties put us in places of potential danger. And all too often, because we are fallible human beings, pastors fall. In the recent past, as we all know, the secular news media have delighted in reporting the sexual sins of prominent ministers. Unfortunately, they've had no shortage of stories to tell.

Actually, according to the CTi surveys, there are a lot more stories of pastoral indiscretion that could be told, which should come as no surprise. Of the pastors responding in one survey, 23 percent admitted to having done something they consider sexually inappropriate since entering local church ministry. Most of the time it's been ...

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