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When You Need to Confront

Christians who are never reproved usually harbor some instability or unsoundness in their faith.
—Daniel Brown

His wife was ready to leave him. He was a Christian, but he often lost his temper, saying terrible, hateful things. His conduct was breaking his wife in two and creating rebellious children. When his wife threatened to walk out, he finally consented to talk with me.

He was obviously uncomfortable speaking about his relationship with his wife and children. "What I do in my home is nobody's business," he said.

"That isn't true," I responded. "You may not like what I'm going to say, but I have to say it: You must find a way to change your behavior."

Transformation didn't come easily for him. "You're trying to turn me into an old mare," he groused. "I'm a stallion, not a mare." It took some time to convince him that his homelife was not merely his business, but that it affected the happiness of many others. But after three years, I have seen in his relationship with his family an incredible ...

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