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Dare You Change the Church's Name?

The delicate dance of implementing a new moniker.
Dare You Change the Church's Name?

"I move that we table the whole thing and stay with Full Gospel Tabernacle."

The fourth ballot of our vote to change the church's name was being counted. Little change in the totals had occurred in the first three ballots. The votes were split among the three choices: the current name—Full Gospel Tabernacle—and two others that represented nearly a year of committee and congregational effort.

A minority still much preferred Full Gospel Tabernacle. Three votes with no resolution was enough for them to conclude that our congregation, which usually finds agreement quickly, simply wasn't ready to change names. The name had served us 60 years, and it would serve us for many more.

Others saw this meeting as the strongest expression of growing dissatisfaction with our name.

As I umpired the debate, my heart sank. If we tabled the motion, it would likely be years before we would bring it up again. All the careful effort to find a new name would be canceled. The debate ...

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