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My Favorite ‘Quick to Listen’ Episodes of 2018

The hosts of CT's weekly news podcast on the episodes they won't soon forget.
My Favorite ‘Quick to Listen’ Episodes of 2018

We put out 52 podcast episodes this year and I’m delighted to say that I’m proud of all of them. One of the best parts of making Quick to Listen is connecting our listeners with someone who has thought deeply—whether it’s theologically, practically, or emotionally—about a complex issue or reality. I’ve selected a couple that had a significant impact on my work and thought process this year and that may even be worth a second listen.

I hope that none of you listeners agreed with every single argument or point our guests made this year. Instead, I hope you’ve been challenged to reconsider something you already assumed to be true and that our conversation spurred you to lovingly engage in a hard conversation yourself and embrace curiosity over judgment. Thanks for tuning in! We truly appreciate you. – Morgan Lee, co-host of Quick to Listen

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