Georgia Church Loses Pastor, Then Its Assets, to Regional UMC Leaders
Conservative Methodists worry about their place in the denomination ahead of delayed plans for a split over LGBT issues.
America’s Surrogacy Bump: Is Fertility a Blessing to Be Shared?
Pro-life carriers and Christian bioethicists navigate the patchy landscape for assisted reproduction.
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Responses to our September issue.
The Top 20 CT News Blogs of 2016
Lecrae joins Beyoncé, Iran frees Saeed Abedini, and LifeWay drops Jen Hatmaker.
Letters to the Editor
We’ve Been Duped By Freud on Cross-Gender Friendship: A Response
When married Christians fear people of the opposite sex, they fail to reflect the oneness seen in Scripture.
We Need to Talk About Kevin
A horror story about parenting, asking what is, and isn’t, beyond our control.
Court Upholds Silence Mandate, Exodus Departs from Day of Truth, & More News
Important developments in the church and the world.
The Missing Ingredient: Fun!
The archangel Michael is the only thing standing between God’s wrath and mankind’s extermination in this nonsensical abomination of a film.