Why We Get Religious About ‘Star Wars’
What accounts for our religious devotion—and our need to shoehorn ‘Star Wars’ into our own theology?
Dickens In Mumbai
The Academy Award-winner for Best Film.
All Things Shining
The 2008 Cannes Film Festival.
Pilgrim Bergman
The life and films of Sweden’s great director.
Top Ten films from 2005
B&C regulars Roy Anker and Peter Chattaway give us their Top Ten lists from the films of 2005.
<em>Books & Culture</em>‘s Top Ten Movies
We open the New Year with a look back at the films of 2005. Here are the Top Ten lists of B&C regulars Roy Anker and Peter Chattaway.
Ring Out the Old Year
Some highly subjective awards for 2005.
Star Wars Spirituality: Part 4
In his book, Catching Light: Looking for God in the Movies, author Roy M. Anker writes about finding meaning and morality in the intergalactic saga. Part 4 of 4.
Star Wars Spirituality: Part 1
In his book,Catching Light: Looking for God in the Movies, author Roy M. Anker writes about finding meaning and morality in the intergalactic saga. Part 1 of 4.
Jedi or Jesuit?
Looking for God at the cineplex.