World Scene from April 8, 1988
Chris Seiple on ‘Relational Diplomacy’
A New Day in Vietnam
How a little NGO is helping Christians gain more freedom in a country still plagued by human-rights abuses.
Wooing the Faithful
President Bush needs evangelicals more than ever, but it’s unclear how badly they want him for another four years.
The Evangelical View of Israel?
Evangelicals are more diverse on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than we are led to believe
We Must Never Be Silent About Suffering
The CT religious rights debate continues
Before the Refugee Dam Breaks
“Agencies prepare to help up to 900,000 people in Iraq War”
Robert Seiple on the War in Iraq
The founder of The Institute for Global Engagement says America suffers from an inconsistency between national values and national interests
Cry Freedom
Forget ‘quiet diplomacy’—it doesn’t work
Full of Sound and Fury
Polemics at home and abroad does not prevent religious persecution