Journey Within
Dallas Willard’s 3 Fears About the Spiritual Formation Movement
Could we miss the whole point?
Libraries Aren’t Safe, But They Are Good
Amid controversies and threats of defunding, Christian public librarians work for the good of their communities.
God, Guns, and Oil
A Los Angeles church seeks the good of its neighborhood by confronting crime and environmental distress.
Are Pastors Discarding the ‘Evangelical’ Label? We Surveyed Hundreds
Here’s what we discovered.
The Atheist’s Dilemma
I tried to face down an overwhelming body of evidence, as well as the living God.
‘Health Care King Herod Would Love!’
Advocacy groups wrap up an unusually busy Christmas season and prepare for 2010.
Doomsday at the Cineplex
A new blockbuster says the world will end on Dec. 21, 2012. But pastors and scholars say hold the phone, and seek the signs in Scripture instead.
Broadway’s Country Mouse
The lyrics of Oscar Hammerstein.
Thinking with Your Hands
The implications of craftsmanship.