Happy Thankless Thanksgiving
Paul hardly ever thanked anyone directly. What can his refrain “I thank God for you” teach us about gratitude?
The Early Church Saw Itself as a Political Body. We Can Too.
A Christian vision of the public square starts with being a different kind of people.
Christianity Today’s 2023 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
Preach Apocalyptic Texts, Now
It’s time to make this tricky biblical genre a mainstay in your sermon rotation.
The Light of the Nations
The visit of the Magi draws our attention to the global nature of the gospel.
The Culture Wars Are Ancient History
Today’s fights over the religion in the public square are replays of fights from two thousand years ago.
Los protestantes: los cristianos más “católicos”
Una nueva confesion de fe por reconocidos teólogos le da a la unidad de post-reforma un URL.
Keeping the Trinity Personal
Defending the oneness of God shouldn’t nullify the Bible’s claims about the mutual love of Father, Son, and Spirit.
Protestants: The Most ‘Catholic’ of Christians
New confession by high-profile theologians gives post-Reformation unity a URL.
Taste and See That the Lord’s Supper Is Good
A biblical understanding of food whets our appetite for the fullness of the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday.