Dear Rihanna: ‘Your Truth’ Won’t Set You Free
Our individual exceptionalism has theological consequences.
How to Read the Bible
New strategies for interpreting Scripture turn out to be not so new—and deepen our life in Christ.
Critics Throw Constan-tantrums
Constantine—;a convoluted mess of Christian terminology, or a worthwhile discussion starter? Plus: Critics respond to Because of Winn-Dixie, Son of the Mask, and Assisted Living
How Leaders Can Survive Information Overload
What must you know — and what can you safely ignore?
The Last Legion
Focus Praises NAE’s ‘Broader Social Agenda’
Plus: The evangelicals at the center of the U.S. attorneys firing fight, Time‘s cover story on the Bible in public schools, Colo. becomes another center of the Anglican wars, and other stories from online sources around the world.
‘I Have Embraced Islam and Say the Word Allah’
Forced conversion to Islam trickles into the news. Plus: W.V. school dispute keeps going, WSJ highlights Purpose Driven criticism, reading this Weblog may make you fat, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Korean Christians Plan to Sue over Afghanistan Expulsion
Plus: The latest on Christians in Lebanon, the Mel Gibson story keeps on going, Awana and Navigators join Michael J. Fox in suit, and other stories from online sources around the world.
The Pink Panther
Christians Fear Amid Worldwide Muslim Demonstrations
Plus: Six Christians killed in Philippines, Alabama churches torched, New Orleans pastors speak, and other stories from online sources around the world.