Three Evangelical ‘Founding Fathers’ and Their Complicated Relationships to Slavery
A new book steers between full condemnation and “men of their time” dodges.
Marvin Olasky on a Better Moral Vision
Faithful living in politics, publishing, and personal pursuits.
CT Books – 10-20-24
Particular Wrongs Need Particular Remedies
Every sin requires Christ’s atonement. But the Bible shows God punishing—and repairing—different sins differently.
Why John Perkins Didn’t Want More White Christians like Jonathan Edwards
A violent and sinful history calls for a clearer presentation of the gospel.
Boomers: Serve Like Your Whole Life Is Ahead of You
What will our generation do with the increased life expectancy God has blessed us with?
Lo que podemos aprender de los avivamientos
Un historiador especialista en avivamientos analiza cuatro posibles lecciones de Asbury.
Por qué John Perkins no quería más cristianos blancos como Jonathan Edwards
Una historia violenta y pecaminosa exige una presentación más clara del evangelio.
‘Evangelical Imagination’ Has Formed Us. But Can We Define It?
Metaphors, images, and stories orient us. But we must understand them first.
Profesor de Asbury: Estamos siendo testigos de una ‘sorprendente obra de Dios’
El avivamiento que está teniendo lugar en nuestra capilla me llena de esperanza.