Some Evangelicals Are Leaving Protestantism for Other Traditions
A number of high-profile Christians have converted to Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. What is driving them away?
Christ and Cancel Culture
A lesson from the Alistair Begg controversy.
State Finds ‘Substantial Evidence’ for Retaliation Charge at Illinois Church
A firing at Dane Ortlund’s Naperville Presbyterian Church spurred a rare legal determination that could be a useful case study for churches.
Pastors, I Think You Should Use ‘I Think’ Less Often
Preaching God’s truth from the pulpit doesn’t require equivocation.
Por qué no deberíamos practicar la liturgia ‘a la carta’
Despojar a las tradiciones históricas de su contexto teológico está de moda, pero conlleva un riesgo.
Why We Shouldn’t Practice Liturgy ‘A La Carte’
Stripping historical traditions from their theological context is trendy but problematic.
How to Decide When Doctrine Should Divide
Your fellow Christians don’t share your theological convictions. Now what?
Herman Bavinck’s Balancing Act, and Ours
As a new biography shows, the Dutch Reformed theologian was adept at navigating perennial tensions of Christ and culture.
Christianity Today’s 2022 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
When Should Doctrine Divide, and When Should Unity Prevail?
How “theological triage” helps us pick our battles on matters of faith.