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Responses to our January/February issue.
Evangelicals on the Basel Trail
Reckoning with Karl Barth.
Donald Bloesch, UCC Evangelical, Died Tuesday
The United Church of Christ loses a prominent conservative voice.
Bloesch Underappreciated in His Lifetime, Colleague Says
Gabriel Fackre places late United Church of Christ scholar high among the top evangelical theologians of the twentieth century.
Alec Hill Responds
The president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship on “Not All Evangelicals and Catholics Together.”
Not All Evangelicals and Catholics Together
Protestant debate on justification is reigniting questions about Rome.
Here We Are to Worship
Six principles that might bring a truce to the age-old tension between tradition and popular culture.
Evangelicalism’s Hidden Liturgical and Confessional Past
The Post-Neuhaus Future of Evangelicals and Catholics Together
Charles Colson says the convert to Catholicism helped break down the most important barrier.
The Future Lies in the Past
Why evangelicals are connecting with the early church as they move into the 21st century.