Florida Pastors Worry Immigration Bill Would Criminalize Church Rides
Evangelicals who minister to and among the undocumented call the state’s proposal “an assault to religious liberty.”
The Christianity Today Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
Iglesia de David Platt, McLean Bible Church, afectada por un movimiento divisivo. Demanda en curso por parte de la oposición
El reciente conflicto dentro de la megaiglesia ubicada en los suburbios de DC por temas raciales y políticos es sintomática de una grieta evangélica más amplia.
Platt’s McLean Bible Church Hit With Attempted Takeover, Lawsuit from Opposition
The suburban DC megachurch’s recent scuffle over race and politics is symptomatic of a broader evangelical rift.
Why the SBC Published a Report Alleging Paige Patterson’s Seminary Theft
The ongoing dispute between Southwestern and its former president reflects a larger rift over his place in the denomination.
Why Black Pastors Still Stay Southern Baptist
Even with disputes over Trump and critical race theory pushing some minority leaders out, others stand by the missional advantage in the country’s largest Protestant body.
Fewer Southern Baptists Call Themselves ‘Southern Baptist’
SBC president J. D. Greear explains the uptick in an alternative name: Great Commission Baptists.
Movement Wants to Make Southern Baptists Conservative Again
A new network of pastors says it’s trying to unite the SBC. But its critics fear the opposite.
Despite Racial Tensions, Black Southern Baptist Churches Still on the Rise
Recruitment efforts draw African American pastors to SBC missions efforts, though growth is slowing.
Southern Baptists Disfellowship Church Over Abuse for the First Time
But victim advocates say the denomination hasn’t gone far enough.