Does Saved! Condemn Christian High Schools?
News comes in on “the most spiritual film of all time,” the Best of 2003, and The Passion of The Christ. A pregnant teen is persecuted by gay-hating evangelical Christians in Saved! Religious press critics review The Big Bounce and The Perfect Score, and You Got Served, examine new DVD releases, consider nudity in Calendar Girls, argue over The Butterfly Effect, and highlight themes in Oscar-nominated films.
Take the Weblog Challenge
Our bet: You’ll never make it through this ridiculously long compilation of religion news. But at least we’ve organized it into categories.
Paul the Apostle
Does <em>Saved!</em> Condemn Christian High Schools?
News comes in on the most spiritual film of all time, the Best of 2003, and The Passion of the Christ. A pregnant teen is persecuted by gay-hating evangelical Christians in Saved! Religious press critics review The Big Bounce and The Perfect Score, and You Got Served, examine new DVD releases, consider nudity in Calendar Girls, argue over The Butterfly Effect, and highlight themes in Oscar-nominated films.
Death Sentence For Three Pakistanis Who Attacked Christian Hospital
Plus: Wesley Clark’s change of tune on abortion limits, more Ten Commandments disputes, poor clergy criticized, and many other stories from online sources around the world.
A Good Week for Zombies and Pirates
“Christian critics are pleased to sail with Pirates of the Caribbean and Sinbad, but not quite so happy with T3: Rise of the Machines. They also debate the merits of 28 Days Later, and the sequels to Legally Blonde and Charlie’s Angels.”
Eutychus and His Kin: April 5, 1985
Prison Fellowship Moves Ahead on New Headquarters
A Legacy of Life
Physician Thomas Elkins discusses the impact of Baby Doe on abortion, technology, and medicine’s own shifting ethic.